David Plas Photography
  • Guided visits

Guided tour with expert: the restoration of the winter garden

On 19 September, we invite you to a special thematic tour with Emmanuelle Job of the KIK-IRPA (Royal Institute for Art Heritage). The KIK-IRPA will continue their previously carried out studies of the original wall decorations of the winter garden and uncover the decorations completely. The stencil painting from 1904 will help return the winter garden to its original splendor.  

During this tour, you will get a comprehensive overview of the restoration work on the decorations of the Maison Hannon, with a complete explanation of the methods used in the winter garden by Emmanuelle Job (KIK-IRPA).

If you do not have to chance to join the guided tour, please know that the works will be visible to all viewers of the Maison Hannon during the coming weeks. You can see the meticulous restauration works unfold under your own eyes, with the help of dedicated explanations.

Book your tickets to the guided tour here